Download FeynDiagram
Click here (version 2.6, Aug 13, 2003) to download
a gzipped tar file containing the FeynDiagram source code
and documentation. You can unpack the file on most
Linux/Unix machines by doing:
tar xzf feyndiagram_26.tgz
Important Note:
Users of GCC 3.4 report to me that they get the following error when they try to
compile version 2.6:
fd.h:231: error: `void FeynDiagram::init(page&, double, double, double)' is private
fd.h:358: error: within this context
I believe you can work around this by moving line 231, which contains:
void init(page &pg,double xmin_in, double xmax_in, double yref_in);
to line 244 (i.e. from the "private" section to the "public" section).
There are probably more proper ways to fix this, but I'm not going to
get to it until I can find time to upgrade my copy of GCC.
See the README_compilernotes file included in the download for
additional information on getting FeynDiagram to compile.